Macro Analysis
We start our research at the Macroeconomic level by researching the economic direction of the world and assess what this means for Australia.
We look at Global trends and what this means for our property market. We look at the financial, political and economic issues affecting Australia and what effect this may have on the property market across Australia.We look at the financial, political and economic issues affecting each state and what affect this may have on the property market.
Once World, National and State issues are understood, we research different areas within our preferred States. What are the demographics, infrastructure (existing and proposed), employment opportunities, crime rates, etc of each area? We also research past capital growth, rental yield and demand, and any other factors that are relevant in determining future capital growth. We determine where the best investment areas are within each state.
Micro Analysis
Within the chosen area we look at things such as what is the demographic demand (families vs singles). We drill down into these areas and have a look at any local issues that may affect capital growth. Unlike many suppliers, we do this by physically visiting the area. We spend time there talking to locals, agents, builders, developers, council, etc. We even sit at the local restaurants and cafes to observe the people living in an area. We use this local knowledge, coupled with research about where the best schools, hospitals, tertiary institutions, etc are, to determine the best suburbs within an area.